
Help us make the community spaces at our Kosciuszko Street residence more fun and functional for our permanent residents!

Campaign progress - .. percent raised so far!

The D’Addario residence is the largest of our supportive housing residences, providing a permanent housing and a fresh start to people who have experienced chronic homelessness. Our staff works closely with residents to not only attain their highest levels of independence, but also to find a community and support system for this new chapter of their lives. As such, having access to comfortable, functional community spaces are of the utmost importance.

Support for our D’Addario residence will help us refresh these community spaces--making socialization, virtual schooling and collective skill building more accessible to these families.

We hope you consider donating to the D’Addario Supportive Housing Residence!


Click here to see the fundraiser status of ALL the residences!

  • With $1,500 we can purchase new furnishings and decor for the community room

  • With $3,000 we will be able to replace the two desktop computers for resident use

  • With $5,000 we will be able to both replace computers and revamp the community room!